Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale
Sri Siva Visnu Temple, Washington, DC Sevya, Inc. Boulder Arsha Vijnana Gurukulum, Eugene Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam, Eugene, was officially blessed by Pujya Swamiji to be created in November 2007, with Mayaskari Rothbart, Nilendra Deshpande, and Julie Carpenter as office bearers. In 2008, a group of dedicated and devoted students of Vedanta sought to provide a place where Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji could regularly teach and give guidance to those on the path to liberation To this end, .Arsha Vijnana Gurukulum, Eugene, expanded its facilities and built a place of dwelling for Swaminiji's stay. Since the year 2000, Swaminiji has been coming to Eugene regularly. During each visit Sadhviji has offered public talks and workshops on the Vedic tradition, Vedanta and Sanskrit. Since the formation of Arsha Vijnana Gurukulum in Eugene, a growing number of seekers in Eugene and Corvallis are being increasingly blessed by more frequent teachings by Swamiji in person. There are classes nearly everyday on a texts ranging from the Upanishads to Panchadashi. Currently we are studying Panchadashi and Vivekachudamani, and also Kathopanishad, and Taittiriya Upanishad with Bhashya. Classes in Beginning Sanskrit and Chanting are offered by Swaminiji's students. Please visit the front page of www.arshavm.org to download the complete Fall Calendar of Classes. The Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam in Eugene has two concurrent Bhagavad Gita Home Study group that has been meeting on Mondays Thursdays of each week. The coordinator of Monday group is Mayaskari Rothbart, while the Thursday group is led by Adele Berlinski. If you wish to join this group or learn more about it, please send a request using the “contact us” form on the ashram website www.arshavm.org. Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam, Eugene, houses the Light of Vedanta Press, dedicated to the publication of Swaminiji's books and audio CDs. Starting with the first title on the translation of the 108 names of Goddess Sarasvati, CDs and DVDs on Vedanta texts and meditation are available for purchase. Please contact Harinder Khalsa (harinderkhalsa@gmail.com) for details. Being blessed by Pujya Swamiji to start a newsletter of activities called "Sukta," which means "wise sayings," Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam also produces the quarterly newsletter of the ashram. The newsletter is a place for news about Vedanta talks and teachings by Pujya Swamiji and Swaminiji, and includes information about activities of the ashram, and also has several articles of interest for the general seeker. You can download the latest issue of the Sukta newsletter by visiting www.arshavm.org AVG Eugene, was also involved in spearheading a temple construction project at the behest of the local community members and leaders. At the suggestion of someone in Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Goddess Sri Mukambika was presented to Swaminiji in 2007. Swaminiji was instrumental in inspiring a spirit of seva and devotion among community members, who rallied together to raise funds for building first Hindu temple in Eugene. On Aksaya Tritiya day in 2010, the Sri Mukambika-Mahadeva Hindu Shrine, consisting of Lord Ganesha, Sri Mukambika Devi, and Lord Mahadeva was inaugurated in a yurt on land belonging to Swaminiji's students. The shrine is taken care of by community members. In 2011, the shrine was granted 501 C 3 status, and remains the focal point of all Hindu festivals and celebrations for devotees in Eugene, Or. In 2010, to the delight of Vedanta students in Eugene, Pujya Swamiji gave his blessings to Harinder and Gordon to start a Dakshinamurti Shrine, which was inaugurated in May 2011, under the guidance of Sri Swaminiji. The shrine houses Lord Medha Dakshinamurti and a small Ganesha. |
ॐ नम: प्रणवार्थाय शुद्धज्ञानैकमूर्तये । निर्मलाय प्रशान्ताय दक्षिणामूर्तये नम: ।।
Salutations to Lord Dakshinamurthy, who is the meaning of the word om,
the peaceful embodiment of pure knowledge that is devoid of all afflictions.
Lord Prajñā-Dakṣiṇāmurti in Eugene, OR